Editorial and Features

Here you can read the editor’s ramblings on a variety of shooting issues and topics.


April 26, 2018: The Tories’ offensive Offensive Weapons Bill

October 11, 2017: The Tories are not our friends… and other tales of woe

July 19, 2016: Autopsy of a gun ban

February 25, 2016: The Law Commission reports

November 21, 2015: Brussels panics

October 2, 2015: Et tu, HMIC?

August 5, 2015: Yet another consultation

May 2, 2015: Election 2015

November 26, 2014: Combining paranoia and the police state, the ACPO way

January 6, 2013: Why stopping mass shootings with gun laws is probably impossible

October 8, 2012: Scottish Gun Lunacy

December 31, 2010: The Committee and the Gorilla

June 15, 2010: Cumbria

March 30, 2010: Finally, an actual election

November 27, 2008: Another scapegoating at hand

January 7, 2008: Obscure things you should know about

June 30, 2007: Bye bye Blair

April 1, 2007: Out of ideas and out of time

June 4, 2006: More legislative nonsense

April 1, 2006: Gold for Gault

February 26, 2006: Targeting the right people

December 27, 2005: Oh, no, Canada!

November 27, 2005: Arm the police

June 18, 2005: Another pointless prohibition looms

April 15, 2005: A voting we shall go…

February 12, 2005: And finally, some good news…

May 13, 2004: The Government wants to know what you think about guns… again

December 23, 2003: Why gun bans stink

October 18, 2003: More armed crime?

January 19, 2003: Another day, another knee jerks…

September 8, 2002: Coming to their senses, a bit too late

May 5, 2002: The Disaster Facing Shooters in Europe

February 22, 2002: ACPO, again

October 23, 2001: The fallout from terrorism

September 7, 2001: Disarmament hasn’t worked, but no-one admits it

August 20, 2001: Labour’s gun policy backfires

May 15, 2001: Time to vote

March 6, 2001: Five years later…

January 21, 2001: Law and Disorder

October 9, 2000: The Government’s Opinion

May 4, 2000: …well, it wasn’t all bad

April 2, 2000: Lies, damned lies, and hey, you know the rest

January 23, 2000: Tony Blair and the BS Brigade

July 15, 1999: Assassins and rampaging gunmen prove folly of gun laws

January 1, 1999: For God’s sake, let us defend ourselves!


Shooting Abroad

Tir Federal 2000

Swiss Ammunition

Royal Armouries

Morges Museum

SHOT Show 2002

SHOT Show 1999

IWA 2000

“Rifle shooting in every form of competition calls for the exercise of all the qualities that most ennoble a man – determination, self-possession, faith, self-confidence, admiration for the achievement of others. It is suitable for the elderly, since it makes but a small demand upon the muscle. It is the best schooling for the young, as it requires nerve. It interests all, since it allows – nay commands – the exercise of intelligence.” – W. W. Greener.